Palm Beach Bridal Market


An amazing three days at our Pop-Up Bridal Market at The Colony Hotel hosted by Melange De Blanc!

We had the pleasure of featuring over 24 designers from around the world at the Colony Hotel and welcoming hundreds of buyers to preview their collections. We love Palm Beach and hosting our signature events including the More Is More Gala and the Taco & Tequila evening!

Palm Beach Designers

Amanda Hensley


Dany Tabet

Francesca Avila

Hera Couture

House of Renhue

Kelly Faetanini


SAVIN London

Tara Keely

Ti Adora by Allison Webb

Allison Webb

Anna Kara

Dany Girl by Dany Tabet

Daughters Of Simone

Halfpenny London

Hermione de Paula

Kali by Francesca Avila

Love Honor

Sarah Alouache

Shawna M Designs

Tara Lauren

Untamed Petal


Las Vegas Bridal Market


New York Bridal Market